When you’re ready to begin learning for your Network+ certification exam, count on more than 20 years of our experience in creating and improving learning materials.
The Network+ Certification Study Guide is built around the learner’s needs, to take you on a path of steady learning progress. Get started immediately with a clear learning process and schedule and familiarize yourself with all certification topics. Adjust the schedule to make the guide work for you and acquire the knowledge you need to go into the exam.
All learning content is presented in modules to simplify your learning and adjust the pace of your progress. Spend as much time as you need on each module to soak up new knowledge: Breeze through the topics you may already have mastered and dive into those you don’t know about.
To get the most out of the CompTIA Network+ Study Guide and be able to prepare for your exam you Ideally, you should have successfully completed the “CompTIA A+ Support Skills” course, earned the CompTIA A+ certification, and have about 9-12 months of experience of networking support or IT administration. It is not necessary that you pass the A+ exams before completing Network+ certification, but it is recommended.
Regardless of whether you have passed A+, it is recommended that you have the following skills and knowledge before starting this course:
- Configure and support PC, laptop, mobile (smartphone / tablet), and print devices.
- Know basic network terminology and functions (such as Ethernet, TCP/IP, switches, routers).
- Configure and manage users, groups, and shared resources in a simple SOHO network.
- Understand the use of basic access control measures, such as authentication, security policy, encryption, and firewalls.
- Understand TCP/IP addressing, core protocols and troubleshooting tools.
What’s Included
The CompTIA Network+ Study Guide is available as printed version, as eBook as well as a CompTIA Network+ voucher and training bundles.
The printed version comes as 2 separate textbooks – the CompTIA Network+ Certification Study Guide for the Network+ certification exam N10-007, as well as 1 Classroom Labs book, which will guide you through hands-on exercises and practice, includes exam objectives mapping, exam information, practical labs, answers to the review questions and a comprehensive glossary.
The CompTIA Network+ Certification Study Guide includes
- Integrated training videos by Professor Messer and
- Online practice tests
The eBook includes all content of the textbooks in a Skillpipe eBook format.
Consider a CompTIA Network+ voucher and training bundle to combine an exam voucher, training as well as a free exam retake in one package.