Performance-Based Questions

In addition to a traditional multiple-choice format, some CompTIA certification exams include performance-based questions (PBQs). These PBQs test your ability to solve problems in a simulated environment. Remember to manage your time wisely when solving the PBQs on your exam. Most of them will appear at the beginning of the exam and you won’t be able to see a clock when working on the PBQs.

CompTIA exams that incorporate PBQs

Try a Sample PBQ

This simulation is not from any CompTIA exam. It’s provided for you to experience a PBQ format similar to what you may encounter on your certification exam.

Click here for the answer key to this performance-based question.

Tips for completing PBQs on your exam

  • Manage your time wisely. A clock will be visible when working on multiple choice questions but cannot be seen during performance-based questions.
  • If you don’t feel confident about answering a performance-based question, move to the next question. Click the “done” box if you have completed any work toward the answer, then mark the question for review and come back later. Your work will be saved.
  • Many performance-based questions appear at the beginning of the test. Use this knowledge to help manage the amount of time you spend on each item.

Click here to see FAQs about completing exams with performance-based questions.
